Scammers Gonna Scam, Scam, Scam

Guard against digital predators! Read our article to uncover tips on staying safe while snagging big deals at OneDayOnly.

2 min read
Scammers Gonna Scam, Scam, Scam

As much as we love to crack jokes and make light of things at OneDayOnly, fraudulent activities like scamming, hacking and phishing are all pretty serious things, and it’s no laughing matter when you’re on the receiving end of any of the above. Just because we’re living in the digital age where ordering pizza is as easy as tapping a button on your phone - doesn’t mean you need to invite scammers to the party just as easily.

Imitation may be the greatest form of flattery, and we know there are some pretty dodgy impersonators out there trying to fool you by pretending to be us (as if!). While we are working tirelessly to catch the troublemakers, please pay attention to these tips below to keep yourself safe while shopping for big deals with us!

Make Sure it’s US you’re with

We are the one and only OneDayOnly - that’s Be cautious of unfamiliar sites, especially those offering unbelievable deals. We know everyone makes mistakes but, no offence, it’s an easy enough name to remember. There are a lot of fakers out there trying to be us - and we’re flattered - but the first step to avoiding their traps is making sure you’re with the original and best site - us.

Make it Official

Whether you choose to follow our links on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, ensure you are following the correct accounts, all of which, like the above, will have our name in full OneDayOnly. For reference, check out our links below. By now, these should be familiar to you - if not, er… what are you waiting for? Follow us already!

Instagram: onedayonlycoza


Twitter / X: @onedayonlycoza

Show some Strength, yo!

We know you love your pet pooch and your 3-year old niece, but seriously, please try and use stronger passwords than their names or birthdays. Also consider using a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols. Just as you wouldn’t keep using the same bottle of milk in the fridge, try and update your password regularly.

No Red Flags, please!

Being as legit as we are, OneDayOnly, will never ask for sensitive information such as passwords or bank card pins. If you receive such requests, consider them red flags, swipe left and contact our customer support directly for assistance at You don’t need that kinda toxicity in your life!

These tips are by no means exhaustive, but will certainly keep you informed and in good stead so that you can shop to your heart’s content with South Africa’s biggest daily deal sites. Say it all together now - and check the spelling - ‘there is only one OneDayOnly!’

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